Peru Terminal Goes Live With N4 Upgrade

The Terminales Portuarios Euroandinos (TPE) Paita has selected Navis N4 platform upgrade to enhance operations and automation at Paita Port.

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N4 has been designed to optimize container handling equipment utilization, vessel planning, yard utilization and automate crane scheduling and monitoring.

Peru Terminal Goes Live With N4 Upgrade

The Terminals chose to implement N4 to improve operations, increase gate productivity and reducing vessel processing time.

TPE Paita is the port concessionaire responsible for managing the Paita Port in north Peru’s Piura region. The company was awarded a USD $250 million 30-year concession to operate and modernize the port in 2009.

TPE Paita, located in the Province of Paita, South America, is among the largest container ports in Peru. It  has an annual TEU of 215 000 and 30 quay crane moves per hour. The N4 upgrade allows the Terminals to support the growth and increased demand it is experiencing.

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“Since the original implementation of N4, TPE Paita has experienced much success in achieving our goals of updating and modernizing our port to compete on the international stage,” Eduardo Cerdeira, Operations Manager at TPE Paita, said in a statement.

“Having completed the construction of a new container yard, we were in need of a modern and high-functioning TOS capable of managing increasingly complex logistics at the port.

“N4 is the TOS of choice for terminals around the world to manage operations and the ability to absorb Navis’ experience and the benefits associated with having a tool built on international standards and best practices is a major factor in our decision to upgrade.

“TPE Paita is a pivotal port for Peru that is committed to remaining on the forefront of innovation to deliver better service to its customers,” Susan Gardner, VP and General Manager, the Americas at Navis, commented.

“The port is working hard to develop and implement new solutions to business challenges and having an updated version of N4 will allow it to move forward with its planned automation projects and gain a competitive advantage in the region.

Fuente : Port Technology

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